Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Today is a new day.

Grateful for a new day, for the rain and everything i love.

Coping in Lagos is one of the most strategic thing one must learn to do when you get into this part of Nigeria. 
Below are some of the few tips that works for me:

  1.  As difficult as it seems plan your day and week: Write a list of things to do, your feeding plan, schedule of places to visit etc. If you are a working class person this is also very important.
  2. Plan your transportation means. If you intend getting to your desired destination whether your workplace or venue for a meeting. Leave way ahead of time. This will enable you to be on time. The advent of google map on the phone has also made it easy to estimate time frame to get to the venue. Also learn to ask questions prior to your visit to the new place. As much as we rely on google sometimes the map pays no cognizance to one way routes thereby putting you at logger heads with some law enforcement agents.
  3. Plan your meal: You have the choice of eating out or preparing your meals before leaving the hose. However, if you are a visitor to Lagos well you may most likely be reliant on eating out. Jumia food is a good website to rely on while also seeking opinion of people. sometimes i try to read various reviews and ask colleagues of the best place to get food.
  4. Live near your intended place of work or appointment: Ideally it is better to live close to your working environment so that transportation fare amd set off time form home is not to stressful
  5. Plan your dressing: Always have something comfortable which can easly transform to fit any meeting type of easily transform you from work flow to causal flow. An extra sandal, slippers can do the magic.
I hope these lil tit bits helps

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