Sunday, March 19, 2023

Dear Mama

 Waking up this morning, i was filled with doubts, love, questions & wondering thoughts and emotions.  I know some people may have found themselves in this kind of emotional turmoil. Well it's me being woman and you being same. The mummy behaviour.

People wonder why so many days to celebrate womenfolk. The fact that the gender is undervalued and underestimated is enough reason. The fact that sometimes we are unappreciated despite the fact that your eyes lack sleep from worry, care, fear, love etc. The call out of mummy depending on the tone unleashes yout need to give confidence, love and assurance to the toddler, teenager or adult who calls out.

Their hands may be too small to say thank you but in their eyes and gestures the words are spoken with memories engraved in their hearts.

From your desk to the kitchen

From the market to their sides

From you being weak yet propelling them forward with strong words.

From your kneels and heart felt prayers for them to succeed.

On behalf of all the children to all mothers, future mothers and acting mothers! Thank you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Don't stop loving.

Don't stop caring.

Wear your motherly capes proudly. 

Love you more importantly😍🥰

(C) ronnyfals

Thursday, March 16, 2023

It's all about you

 Today i had a meeting to catch up and in the midst of the morning traffic rush, meeting with some regulatory authorities i still had some time to myself. I decided to walk into a supermarket i had not visited in a long while. That window shopping put me in the right frame of mind😁😄 

Window shopping was therapeautic for me takes a lot of discipline.

Oya test your window shopping abilities.


Dear Mama

 Waking up this morning, i was filled with doubts, love, questions & wondering thoughts and emotions.  I know some people may have found...